花雕醉雞翼 Cool Chicken Wing with Shaoxing Wine
雞翼七至九隻 Chicken Wing 7 to 9 pcs
醃料(Marinated Sauce):
花雕酒半杯 Shaoxing Dark Rice Wine Half Cup,
米酒三湯匙 Chinese Clear Rice Wine 3 tablespoon,
雞湯半杯 Chicken Broth half Cup,
青蔥兩束 Green Onion 2 Bunch,
薑三片 Ginger 3 Sliced,
鹽一茶匙 Salt 1 teaspoon,
白糊椒粉兩茶匙 White pepper powder 2 teaspoons,
糖一湯匙 Sugar 1 tablespoon,
麻油兩茶匙 Sesame Oil 2 teaspoons
低鹽份醬油三茶匙 Low Sodium Soy Sauce 3 teaspoons
醬汁料 (Sauce)
花雕酒三湯匙 Shaoxing Dark Rice Wine 3 tablespoon,
青蔥一束 Green 1 Bunch,
薑兩片 Ginger 2 sliced,
花椒一茶匙 Chinese Spicy Pepper Seed 1 teaspoon,
鹽一茶匙 Salt 1 teaspoon,
糖兩茶匙 Sugar 2 teaspoons
做法 Procedure
先將所有醃料倒入雞翼中,放入冰箱醃一個晚上 1. Pull all the Marinted Sauce ingredints in Chicken wing and put in the Refrigerator marinate one night
取出後連醃料蒸約十分鐘 2. Take whole container Chicken wing in steamer Steam around 10 mins
將雞翼放入冰水中冷凍約十分鐘 3. Put all Chicken Wing in iced water cool down around 10 mins
從冰水取出吸乾水份 4. Take chicken wing out of iced water use papper towel dry all wings
淋上醬汁即可上碟 5. Pull the sauce on the top use some Scallion and chili pepper julinnen for decoration
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